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 ANCAPS Good News: Top young Tory expelled for dressing up as Madeleine McCann

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ANCAPS Good News: Top young Tory expelled for dressing up as Madeleine McCann Vide
PostSubject: ANCAPS Good News: Top young Tory expelled for dressing up as Madeleine McCann   ANCAPS Good News: Top young Tory expelled for dressing up as Madeleine McCann Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 4:19 pm

A leading young Tory has been kicked out of the party after boasting about dressing up as Madeleine McCann at a New Year's Eve bash.

Matthew Lewis, a member of Conservative Future (CF) who has campaigned alongside David Cameron, wrote on his Facebook page that his costume would include a blonde wig, “pink pyjamas, a teddy bear and a vial of fake blood”.

Other figures from the organisation joined in the joke about the missing five-year-old, with one responding: “Is this a cunning (Baldrick style) plan to obtain the reward money?”

Caroline Spelman, the party chair, today branded Mr Lewis’s behaviour “totally unacceptable” and confirmed that he had been expelled. “This offensive behaviour is not only shocking but intolerable and completely unacceptable,” she said. “There is no place for this sort of person in the party.”

The expulsion was also welcomed by Kate and Gerry McCann, the missing girl's parents.

Mr Lewis — believed to be in his early twenties and a student at Queen Mary, University of London — resigned as chairman of Staffordshire CF last month in protest at internal reforms. Images on the group’s website show him campaigning with Mr Cameron for last year’s Crewe & Nantwich by-election.

Mr Lewis was not answering his mobile phone this afternoon, but most of the exchanges were still visible on his Facebook profile. Page snapshots showing other comments were featured on the Tory Bear weblog.

On New Year’s Day, after the party, Mr Lewis told another CF member, Flick Cox, online: “There was a brief moment when I thought I might have gone too far with elements of the costume, but it was ok”.

He added that another guest at the bad-taste party was dressed as Baby P, the Haringey toddler who died after a catalogue of horrific abuse.

“There may not be photos, I don’t think anyone wants to risk being associated with them!” Mr Lewis went on.

Ms Cox suggested that he may have “pulled a Prince Harry” — a reference to the Prince's controversial decision to wear a Nazi uniform to a fancy dress party in 2005.

She said that she would “hate to have to end our friendship when I become an MP” if he got into trouble over the fancy dress outfit.

Madeleine McCann went missing while on holiday with her family in Portugal in May 2007. She has yet to be found, despite a massive worldwide hunt.

Clarence Mitchell, the spokesman for Madeleine’s parents, demanded an apology from Mr Lewis.

He said: “The offensiveness of this activist’s actions is almost beyond belief. I know Gerry and Kate will be grateful that the Tory Party has taken swift and appropriate action by ejecting him from the party.

“His actions are not only disgraceful in themselves, they will also cause great hurt to Kate and Gerry. I feel it is appropriate that he now apologises both privately and publicly to them. It is a complete disgrace that Madeleine’s name and image should be made fun of in this way.”
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ANCAPS Good News: Top young Tory expelled for dressing up as Madeleine McCann

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