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 OZschwitz Gulag: Nearly half of men aged 33 have had a run-in with the law: report

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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OZschwitz Gulag: Nearly half of men aged 33 have had a run-in with the law: report Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz Gulag: Nearly half of men aged 33 have had a run-in with the law: report   OZschwitz Gulag: Nearly half of men aged 33 have had a run-in with the law: report Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2018 8:35 pm

Almost half of men in NSW aged 33 have had a run-in with the law, new research has found.

More than 48 per cent of men born in 1984 had action taken against them by police, a NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research report published on Wednesday showed.

That was compared to one in six, or about 15 per cent, of the state's women and more than one-third, or 35 per cent, of Aboriginal people born the same year.

The report tracked a group of NSW residents born in 1984 and their interactions with the state's criminal justice system, courts and prisons between the ages of 10 and 33.
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OZschwitz Gulag: Nearly half of men aged 33 have had a run-in with the law: report

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