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 California School Board Condones Transgender Propaganda in Kindergarten, Denies Parents Opt-Out Option

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California School Board Condones Transgender Propaganda in Kindergarten, Denies Parents Opt-Out Option Vide
PostSubject: California School Board Condones Transgender Propaganda in Kindergarten, Denies Parents Opt-Out Option   California School Board Condones Transgender Propaganda in Kindergarten, Denies Parents Opt-Out Option Icon_minitimeSat Sep 23, 2017 1:54 am

A California school board has declared that teachers can promote transgenderism to five year-old students – and that the chilrens' parents can’t keep their kids from being subjected to the propaganda.

California School Board Condones Transgender Propaganda in Kindergarten, Denies Parents Opt-Out Option Rocklinacademy

RedState reports that the controversy involving the Rocklin Academy public school system first began when a kindergarten teacher went “outside the curriculum” one day in class:

   “The controversial vote came about after a kindergarten teacher read “I Am Jazz” — a book about a transgender child’s transition to the opposite sex — and then allegedly held something of a ‘transition ceremony’ where a young boy went into a bathroom, and then reemerged dressed in girl’s clothing. The teacher identified the boy as a girl, with a girl’s name.”

   “Rocklin Academy has allowed the teaching of controversial material outside of the curriculum, so long as they tell the parents they’re going to do it first. However, the parents can do nothing about it, as they won’t be allowed to remove their child from the classroom as it’s happening.”

On Monday, responding to complaints from parents and parents’ rights groups, the school board voted unanimously to allow teachers to promote transgenderism – and other controversial views – as long as they notify the parents.

However, the school board voted to deny parents the right to remove their children from such controversial, “outside the curriculum” teachings.

“This essentially gives a teacher free rein to urge the kids to support whatever that teacher believes, and put on lessons and demonstrations some would find questionable, much like the ‘transition ceremony’ that allegedly took place,” RedState reports.

“The possibilities for forcing transgenderism on students seems wide open here,” the article concludes.
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California School Board Condones Transgender Propaganda in Kindergarten, Denies Parents Opt-Out Option

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