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 Leftist junk art: The mature blackbutt tree has been suspended horizontally 10 meters off the ground of a lane-way

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Leftist junk art: The mature blackbutt tree has been suspended horizontally 10 meters off the ground of a lane-way Vide
PostSubject: Leftist junk art: The mature blackbutt tree has been suspended horizontally 10 meters off the ground of a lane-way   Leftist junk art: The mature blackbutt tree has been suspended horizontally 10 meters off the ground of a lane-way Icon_minitimeWed Aug 02, 2017 9:16 pm

In literary circles trees, are often powerful symbols of perseverance, hope, beauty and wisdom.

Leftist junk art: The mature blackbutt tree has been suspended horizontally 10 meters off the ground of a lane-way 1501686187549

In a CBD laneway, a tree has been tipped on its side and suspended 10 metres above ground as a tangible connection to Sydney's colonial and Indigenous past.
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Leftist junk art: The mature blackbutt tree has been suspended horizontally 10 meters off the ground of a lane-way

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