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 Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: Innocent Man Sentenced to Prison for Standing on a Sidewalk, Informing People of Their Rights

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Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: Innocent Man Sentenced to Prison for Standing on a Sidewalk, Informing People of Their Rights Vide
PostSubject: Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: Innocent Man Sentenced to Prison for Standing on a Sidewalk, Informing People of Their Rights   Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: Innocent Man Sentenced to Prison for Standing on a Sidewalk, Informing People of Their Rights Icon_minitimeSun Jul 23, 2017 4:01 am

Big Rapids, MI — A former pastor will serve time in jail for a conviction of “jury tampering,” after he was arrested and charged with a felony for handing out jury information pamphlets outside of a courthouse.

Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: Innocent Man Sentenced to Prison for Standing on a Sidewalk, Informing People of Their Rights LHvCBk

Keith Wood is innocent. He was merely attempting to educate his neighbors about their rights on a jury, which should be protected free speech. However, courts are intent on using their power to hide the full scope of the jurors’ responsibility and they will apparently go to great lengths to do so — including throwing an entirely innocent man in prison.
For those who don’t know, jury nullification is the right for any juror to not only judge the facts of the case but also to judge the validity of the law itself. If a jury feels that a defendant is facing an unjust charge, they have the right to rule in the defendant’s favor, even if they are technically guilty under the court’s standards.

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Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: Innocent Man Sentenced to Prison for Standing on a Sidewalk, Informing People of Their Rights

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