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 Rights violation: 'Hero' T-shirt prompts wave of arrests in Turkey

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Rights violation: 'Hero' T-shirt prompts wave of arrests in Turkey Vide
PostSubject: Rights violation: 'Hero' T-shirt prompts wave of arrests in Turkey   Rights violation: 'Hero' T-shirt prompts wave of arrests in Turkey Icon_minitimeSun Jul 23, 2017 1:30 am

Turkish police have over the last week detained at least 15 people for wearing a T-shirt with a slogan the authorities argue is a veiled message backing the alleged mastermind of last year's failed coup.

Rights violation: 'Hero' T-shirt prompts wave of arrests in Turkey 59736747da9b7_3aa95bac2b3b558407ebf44adeb1acfd938a087b

Police across the country have been detaining people wearing T-shirts with the word "Hero" in English in white capital letters against a black background, with the slogan underneath "Heroes are Immortal".

The authorities say the slogan is a veiled message of support for Fethullah Gulen, the US-based Islamic preacher blamed by the Turkish authorities for the July 15 failed coup aimed at ousting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The controversy erupted on July 13 when a suspect tried over an alleged plot to assassinate Erdogan on the coup night was photographed going into court wearing the white "Hero" T-shirt.
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Rights violation: 'Hero' T-shirt prompts wave of arrests in Turkey

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