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 We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment Vide
PostSubject: We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment   We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment Icon_minitimeWed Jul 19, 2017 6:23 pm

"The change in dietary advice to promote low-fat foods is perhaps the biggest mistake in modern medical history."

We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment Were-all-guinea-pigs-in-a-failed-decades-long-diet-experiment-body-image-1473947521-size_1000

Let's say you want to lose some weight. Which of these foods would you choose: A skim-milk latte, or the same drink with whole milk? A low-cal breakfast bar or steak and eggs? A salad tossed in light dressing or the same salad doused with buttermilk ranch?

If you're like most Americans, you either aren't sure how to answer, or you're very sure—but very wrong. And it's not your fault. It's the fault, experts say, of decades of flawed or misleading nutrition advice—advice that was never based on solid science.

The US Department of Agriculture, along with the agency that is now called Health and Human Services, first released a set of national dietary guidelines back in 1980. That 20-page booklet trained its focus primarily on three health villains: fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.

Recently, research has come out strongly in support of dietary fat and cholesterol as benign, rather than harmful, additions to person's diet. Saturated fat seems poised for a similar pardon.

"The science that these guidelines were based on was wrong," Robert Lustig, a neuro-endocrinologist at the University of California, San Francisco, told Tonic. In particular, the idea that cutting fat from a person's diet would offer some health benefit was never backed by hard evidence, Lustig said.
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We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment Vide
PostSubject: Re: We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment   We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment Icon_minitimeWed Jul 19, 2017 6:58 pm

Quote :
Recently, research has come out strongly in support of dietary fat and cholesterol as benign, rather than harmful, additions to person's diet. Saturated fat seems poised for a similar pardon.

"The science that these guidelines were based on was wrong," Robert Lustig, a neuro-endocrinologist

Yet another 'expert' talking shit.

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We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment

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