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 Intermittent fasting: it's no better or worse than restricting energy intake

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Intermittent fasting: it's no better or worse than restricting energy intake Vide
PostSubject: Intermittent fasting: it's no better or worse than restricting energy intake   Intermittent fasting: it's no better or worse than restricting energy intake Icon_minitimeMon Jul 17, 2017 11:35 pm

I joined in a wave of the intermittent fasting trend about 10 years ago - before I was a dietitian. That's when most of the writings on the topic were in the form of blog posts and self-published PDF e-books. Today, a perusal of the Internet turns up several best-selling books extolling the benefits of intermittent fasting for weight loss and improvements in the metabolic risk factors that contribute to Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Intermittent fasting: it's no better or worse than restricting energy intake 1500323024659

Then, and even now, the intermittent fasting hype was way ahead of the science. Most early research data came from animal studies, with human data coming from observations of participants of religious-based fasts or from small, short clinical studies. A systematic review published last year in the journal Nutrients looked at studies of at least six months that assigned adults with overweight or obese BMIs to either intermittent fasting or daily calorie restriction, and found no evidence that intermittent fasting was superior. The authors cited the need for longer, larger studies to assess sustainability and effects on weight maintenance.
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Intermittent fasting: it's no better or worse than restricting energy intake

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