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 Rights violation: China bans all mention of Winnie the Pooh on social media

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Rights violation: China bans all mention of Winnie the Pooh on social media Vide
PostSubject: Rights violation: China bans all mention of Winnie the Pooh on social media   Rights violation: China bans all mention of Winnie the Pooh on social media Icon_minitimeMon Jul 17, 2017 6:19 pm

China has decided to ban any mention of Winnie the Pooh from all of its social media platforms.

Posts that mention the Chinese name of the bear were suddenly censored on Sina Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, over the weekend.

Rights violation: China bans all mention of Winnie the Pooh on social media Prc_46890704

Any attempts to post Winnie’s name on the site returns a message: ‘Content is illegal’.

And a collection of Winnie the Pooh gifs was dramatically erased from the social messaging app WeChat.

No official explanation has been given, but the crackdown is apparently related to comparisons of President Xi Jinping and the chubby fictional bear, which ended up going viral.
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Rights violation: China bans all mention of Winnie the Pooh on social media

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