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 Starvation, exodus and genocide sees world's newest nation South Sudan suffer

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Starvation, exodus and genocide sees world's newest nation South Sudan suffer Vide
PostSubject: Starvation, exodus and genocide sees world's newest nation South Sudan suffer   Starvation, exodus and genocide sees world's newest nation South Sudan suffer Icon_minitimeSun Jul 09, 2017 12:17 am

Bentiu, South Sudan: Before he went blind, this broken-down old man thought he'd seen it all.

Starvation, exodus and genocide sees world's newest nation South Sudan suffer 1499476075094

Fleeing violence, those fortunate enough to reach a United Nations camp in Bentiu, South Sudan, remain caught between famine and war.

James Tut Riek was three years old in 1956 when Sudan achieved independence from its colonial ruler, Britain. But already the new nation was at war with itself.

Among the largely Christian tribes of southern Sudan, they called the Muslim northerners who ruled over them "the Arabs" and fought for an independent state. For 40 of the 55 years after colonial rule ended, civil war raged.
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Starvation, exodus and genocide sees world's newest nation South Sudan suffer

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