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 Venezuela's unbelievable currency collapse is getting worse

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Venezuela's unbelievable currency collapse is getting worse Vide
PostSubject: Venezuela's unbelievable currency collapse is getting worse   Venezuela's unbelievable currency collapse is getting worse Icon_minitimeMon Jul 03, 2017 2:27 am

Violent protests are growing, the economy is spiraling further out of control and Venezuelans are suffering through shortages of food and medicine. And the bolivar, already worth next to nothing, keeps losing value.
At the beginning of the year, it took about 3,000 bolivars to buy one U.S. dollar. By Wednesday, it took almost 8,000. That's according to, which tracks the unofficial exchange rate used by most Venezuelans because official rates are considered overvalued.
"I'd describe it as the result of a government that prints money like it's confetti," says Raul Gallegos, senior analyst at Control Risks, an international consulting firm. "The government has simply employed the wrong policies to stay in power."
Government corruption and mismanagement have triggered hyperinflation. Prices are set to rise a staggering 720% this year, according to the International Monetary Fund. The collapse of the economy and currency has driven shortages in food, medicine and basic products like toilet paper.
The country has been gripped by unrest as Venezuelans call for President Nicolas Maduro to step down or hold democratic elections. Since late March, 74 people have been killed and more than 1,400 injured in protests.

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Venezuela's unbelievable currency collapse is getting worse

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