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 Amazon patents ‘drone skyscraper’ to enable quicker deliveries in inner-city areas

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Amazon patents ‘drone skyscraper’ to enable quicker deliveries in inner-city areas Vide
PostSubject: Amazon patents ‘drone skyscraper’ to enable quicker deliveries in inner-city areas   Amazon patents ‘drone skyscraper’ to enable quicker deliveries in inner-city areas Icon_minitimeMon Jul 03, 2017 1:55 am

Online retail giant Amazon has invented a new way of sending out its deliveries, filing a patent for ‘drone skyscrapers’.

Amazon patents ‘drone skyscraper’ to enable quicker deliveries in inner-city areas Amazondroneyoutube

According to the designs the tower would have several launching spots where remotely operated drones would be loaded with a package and then take off.

Amazon, which will be launching in Australia this year, is planning to use drones to deliver smaller packages and has already begun testing drone delivery, as reported by the Guardian.

The patents were filed in December 2015 but made public by the US Patent and Trade Office last week.
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Amazon patents ‘drone skyscraper’ to enable quicker deliveries in inner-city areas

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