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 The Weight of a Star: Einstein’s Impossible Hope Finally Achieved by Scientists

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The Weight of a Star: Einstein’s Impossible Hope Finally Achieved by Scientists Vide
PostSubject: The Weight of a Star: Einstein’s Impossible Hope Finally Achieved by Scientists   The Weight of a Star: Einstein’s Impossible Hope Finally Achieved by Scientists Icon_minitimeThu Jun 08, 2017 9:44 pm

Albert Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1915, following several preliminary papers. The proposition was a breakthrough for our conception of space and time. The theory said that the speed of light in a vacuum is unaffected by the motion of all observers and that the laws of physics are the same for all observers not moving or accelerating. 
The theory was a huge breakthrough for our conception of space and time. It allowed for the prediction of black holes and the behavior of planets in orbit. So much of how we think about the universe is governed by this theory. It tells us that when we try to measure how fast something is moving, that speed can only be determined in relation to another object’s speed. But the speed of light is different: It stays the same no matter how fast you are moving when you measure it. And—the bane of would-be star travelers—nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

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