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 'I didn't pay them off': Paul Hogan denies claims he paid millions to extortionist Tax Office

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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'I didn't pay them off': Paul Hogan denies claims he paid millions to extortionist Tax Office  Vide
PostSubject: 'I didn't pay them off': Paul Hogan denies claims he paid millions to extortionist Tax Office    'I didn't pay them off': Paul Hogan denies claims he paid millions to extortionist Tax Office  Icon_minitimeTue May 30, 2017 9:14 pm

Paul Hogan has threatened to "extract revenge" from the Tax Office, after its commissioner Chris Jordan implied the actor had paid tens of millions of dollars to avoid going to court over tax evasion.

'I didn't pay them off': Paul Hogan denies claims he paid millions to extortionist Tax Office  1496155671769

Appearing before Senate estimates on Tuesday morning, Mr Jordan covered a broad range of issues before invoking Mr Hogan.
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'I didn't pay them off': Paul Hogan denies claims he paid millions to extortionist Tax Office

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