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 Well done! Grew up on a council estate. Now she’s the boss of Specsavers — Britain's first female billionaire

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Well done! Grew up on a council estate. Now she’s the boss of Specsavers — Britain's first female billionaire Vide
PostSubject: Well done! Grew up on a council estate. Now she’s the boss of Specsavers — Britain's first female billionaire   Well done! Grew up on a council estate. Now she’s the boss of Specsavers — Britain's first female billionaire Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2017 8:29 pm

Dame Mary Perkins is a vision of carefully coiffed silver hair, sensible shoes, neat little legs and a half-price electric blue shift dress — ‘Oh, I do love a Hobbs sale. I’ve got one in purple, too!’

Well done! Grew up on a council estate. Now she’s the boss of Specsavers — Britain's first female billionaire 40530E7A00000578-4505328-image-a-32_1494793082716

She could have one in solid gold and another studded with pink diamonds, if she fancied. Along with personal jets, choppers, private islands and 300ft yachts galore.

Because 73-year-old Mary, founder of the Specsavers Opticians empire, is Britain’s first self-made female billionaire. She’s worth an estimated £1.6 billion — nearly three times more wealthy than the Queen. But Mary isn’t the sort to splurge — other than in the Hobbs sale or on a new bike and two state-of-the-art new knees that have left her as light and bouncy as a girl.
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Well done! Grew up on a council estate. Now she’s the boss of Specsavers — Britain's first female billionaire

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