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 The Chosen Schmucks: Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions declares boycott of Israhell

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The Chosen Schmucks: Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions declares boycott of Israhell Vide
PostSubject: The Chosen Schmucks: Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions declares boycott of Israhell   The Chosen Schmucks: Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions declares boycott of Israhell Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2017 2:40 am

Norway's biggest trade union votes in favor of an economic, cultural and academic boycott against Israel; the Norwegian government criticizes the boycott, saying it 'is not the way to go.'

The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) went against a recommendation from its leadership and voted 197 to 117 in favor of an international economic, cultural and academic boycott against Israel because of the current impasse in peace talks with the Palestinian Authority (PA).

The Chosen Schmucks: Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions declares boycott of Israhell 74206230100993640360no,7340,L-4961554,00.html
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The Chosen Schmucks: Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions declares boycott of Israhell

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