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 Oh, the irony: Russia's Putin says protectionism a threat to global economy

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Oh, the irony: Russia's Putin says protectionism a threat to global economy Vide
PostSubject: Oh, the irony: Russia's Putin says protectionism a threat to global economy   Oh, the irony: Russia's Putin says protectionism a threat to global economy Icon_minitimeSat May 13, 2017 11:38 pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that protectionism is a threat to the global economy.

He was speaking at the opening of a summit on China's new Silk Road plan.

Oh, the irony: Russia's Putin says protectionism a threat to global economy ?m=02&d=20170514&t=2&i=1184547562&w=780&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&sq=&r=LYNXMPED4D02P
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Oh, the irony: Russia's Putin says protectionism a threat to global economy

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