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 Spotify, valued at $17.6 billion, said to launch direct listing on NYSE

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Spotify, valued at $17.6 billion, said to launch direct listing on NYSE Vide
PostSubject: Spotify, valued at $17.6 billion, said to launch direct listing on NYSE   Spotify, valued at $17.6 billion, said to launch direct listing on NYSE Icon_minitimeSat May 13, 2017 8:15 pm

Music streaming service Spotify, most recently valued at $US13 billion ($17.6 billion), will be the first major company to carry out a direct listing on the New York Stock Exchange when it goes public later this year or early next year, two sources familiar with the situation said on Friday.

Spotify, valued at $17.6 billion, said to launch direct listing on NYSE 1494681252707

The move would be the biggest test yet for the direct listing process, which for companies willing to list shares without raising capital eliminates the need for a Wall Street bank or broker to underwrite an initial public offering (IPO) along with many associated fees.
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Spotify, valued at $17.6 billion, said to launch direct listing on NYSE

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