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 Does your kitchen need a detox?

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Does your kitchen need a detox? Vide
PostSubject: Does your kitchen need a detox?   Does your kitchen need a detox? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 11:59 pm

With growing concerns about the health effects of Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in some plastics, it was good to see some products like drink bottles and food containers declaring themselves BPA free. That's until evidence emerged that a BPA substitute called Bisphenol S or BPS used in some BPA-free plastics was also under a cloud. 

Does your kitchen need a detox? 1459719477073

The latest study – new Canadian research published in the journal Endocrinology – has found that both BPA and BPS can trigger the formation of human fat cells. It echoes last year's strong statement by the Endocrine Society that there's now good evidence linking chemicals like BPA to health problems including obesity and diabetes. Like phthalates, another group of chemicals found in some plastics, BPA is an endocrine disrupter, meaning it can disrupt hormones including those influencing weight and appetite – not to mention reproduction.

It's an argument for getting serious about edging plastics out of the kitchen.

The Endocrine Society is, after all, not a bunch of alarmist bloggers with questionable cred but a professional organisation of doctors and scientists specialising in hormone-related health problems. They recommend that the public, the media, politicians and government agencies should be educated on ways to keep these endocrine-disrupting chemicals out of food, water and air.

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Does your kitchen need a detox?

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