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 Scantily-clad sixtysomething Liza Minnelli shocks Italians with raunchy TV performance

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Scantily-clad sixtysomething Liza Minnelli shocks Italians with raunchy TV performance Vide
PostSubject: Scantily-clad sixtysomething Liza Minnelli shocks Italians with raunchy TV performance   Scantily-clad sixtysomething Liza Minnelli shocks Italians with raunchy TV performance Icon_minitimeThu Oct 02, 2008 9:27 pm

After numerous health problems and four divorces behind her, it would be fair to say Liza Minnelli has experienced quite an interesting life.

While most women her age tend to opt for modest outfits which cover their legs, Minnelli refused to let her 62 years define her dress code.

For her appearance on Italian chat show Porta A Porta yesterday, Minnelli dressed decades younger in a partially-transparent black top, knee high boots and black tights.

Scantily-clad sixtysomething Liza Minnelli shocks Italians with raunchy TV performance Article002df82ce0000057jw9

It was difficult to see whether the Oscar winner was wearing a tiny pair of shorts - or had simply forgone a pair of bottoms for her TV segment.

Her revealing outfit harked back to her Cabaret look from the classic 1972 musical movie.

Scantily-clad sixtysomething Liza Minnelli shocks Italians with raunchy TV performance Article1066775003266320vd8

Minnelli dressed in fishnet stockings, boots and a black bodice for her performance as Kit Kat Club singer Sally Bowles.

After chatting to the TV hosts, Minnelli showed off her famous voice and broke into song.

But after an energetic performance on her feet, Minnelli flopped down onto a nearby armchair and continued her singing while kicking her legs up in the air.

The energetic show was no doubt a surprise to some of the stunned audience members.

Minnelli is currently in Italy promoting her upcoming tour of the country.

She will kick off the tour with a gig in Rome on October 29th, finishing in Milan two weeks later.

Earlier this year, she had a triumphant return to the British stage after a tumultuous few years.

She insists she is in better shape than ever, having recovered from several operations and lost weight through all the dancing in her shows.

She told the Mail earlier this year: 'I have two false hips, a wired-up right knee (the result of a bad fall), two crushed discs and scoliosis. "If I don't dance, I seize up.'

Scantily-clad sixtysomething Liza Minnelli shocks Italians with raunchy TV performance Article106677502df81720en0

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