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 Neo-Savages: SWAT Goes to Wrong Home, Smash Windows Deploy Flashbang on Innocent People Anyway

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Neo-Savages: SWAT Goes to Wrong Home, Smash Windows Deploy Flashbang on Innocent People Anyway Vide
PostSubject: Neo-Savages: SWAT Goes to Wrong Home, Smash Windows Deploy Flashbang on Innocent People Anyway   Neo-Savages: SWAT Goes to Wrong Home, Smash Windows Deploy Flashbang on Innocent People Anyway Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2016 3:10 am

Sweetwater County, WY — Multiple members of Sweetwater County’s Joint Special Weapons and Tactics Team made an epic blunder last week when executing a search warrant in search of arbitrary substances deemed illegal by the state, crystal meth. As the heavily militarized team began smashing up the house and deploying flashbang grenades, they realized they were destroying the wrong home.

Neo-Savages: SWAT Goes to Wrong Home, Smash Windows Deploy Flashbang on Innocent People Anyway Cops-raid-wrong-house
“It’s our responsibility to be in the right place at the right time; and we failed to do that,” Tom Jarvie, Patrol Lieutenant for the Green River Police Department said.
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Neo-Savages: SWAT Goes to Wrong Home, Smash Windows Deploy Flashbang on Innocent People Anyway

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