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 That perpetual nuisance, North Korea, fires two missiles into Sea of Japan

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That perpetual nuisance, North Korea, fires two missiles into Sea of Japan Vide
PostSubject: That perpetual nuisance, North Korea, fires two missiles into Sea of Japan   That perpetual nuisance, North Korea, fires two missiles into Sea of Japan Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 5:01 am

North Korea has fired two short-range ballistic missiles eastward into the sea, according to the South Korean military. The launch comes amid the biggest ever joint US-South Korean war drills, which the North views as infringing on its sovereignty.

That perpetual nuisance, North Korea, fires two missiles into Sea of Japan 56e0c2b0c46188b8048b45f8

The missiles were fired around 5:20 am local time (8:50 pm GMT) from North Hwanghae province. The rockets reportedly flew some 500 kilometers before landing in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) northeast of the city of Wonsan in South Korea, Yonhap news agency reported.
“The military is keeping close tabs on the situation and is prepared to deal with any North Korean provocations,” said the South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff in a statement.
Japan lodged a protest with North Korea following the launch at the country’s embassy in China, Kyodo news agency reported. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also summoned an emergency national security meeting after the launch.
During a meeting with nuclear scientists on Tuesday, North Korean leader Kim John-un reiterated his threat to resort to preemptive nuclear strikes in the event of aggression from the US. Kim claimed that Pyongyang had managed to construct a miniature warhead that can be fitted onto a ballistic missile. 
Pyongyang’s recent belligerence appears to be a response to the joint US-South Korean military drills. More than 300,000 South Korean and some 15,000 American troops are involved in the so-called Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises that began on Monday and are set to last until April 30. The drills, which involve training for amphibious operations and wartime missions, are aimed at working out a best response to possible aggression from North Korea.
Ahead of the maneuvers, the North warned that it would launch “a preemptive and offensive nuclear strike” against the allies in the case of provocation.
The exercises were also condemned by the Russian Foreign Ministry, which said they only serve to escalate the situation on the Peninsula.
“Naturally, North Korea as a state, which is directly referred to as the object of such military activity, can have rational concerns for its security,” read the ministry’s statement, which was published on Monday. “Russia has repeatedly publicly declared its opposition to such manifestations of military and political pressure on Pyongyang,” it added.

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That perpetual nuisance, North Korea, fires two missiles into Sea of Japan

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