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 In World War II, refugees in OZschwitz had their own currency

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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In World War II, refugees in OZschwitz had their own currency Vide
PostSubject: In World War II, refugees in OZschwitz had their own currency   In World War II, refugees in OZschwitz had their own currency Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2016 9:50 pm

Refugees, and what to do with them, were also a major concern during the Second World War. One solution was to place them on a ship and send them to the other side of the world, Australia for example. Which explains why a shipload of German and Austrian refugees arrived in Sydney on board the Dunera. The British suspected them of being spies or Nazi sympathisers, which was unlikely as most were Jewish.

In World War II, refugees in OZschwitz had their own currency 1456515011061

From Sydney, the Dunera Boys, as they were later called, were taken by train to Camp Seven, near Hay. Some were wealthy businessmen. Their money was confiscated and while interned, the only available currency was a series of banknotes and some generic tokens.

The Hay banknotes were special. They were designed by the internees then printed by a local newspaper. They were so sophisticated that the Australian Treasury feared that they would be traded outside the camp. After three months of circulation in 1941, the notes were confiscated and destroyed, although some examples were kept as souvenirs by internees.

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In World War II, refugees in OZschwitz had their own currency

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