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 Take THAT: 2 California sheriff's deputies charged with organizing inmate fight club

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Take THAT: 2 California sheriff's deputies charged with organizing inmate fight club Vide
PostSubject: Take THAT: 2 California sheriff's deputies charged with organizing inmate fight club   Take THAT: 2 California sheriff's deputies charged with organizing inmate fight club Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2016 4:01 am

SAN FRANCISCO –  Two Northern California sheriff's deputies and a former colleague were charged Tuesday with involvement in setting up jail inmates fights to gamble on them.
Former San Francisco Sheriff's deputy Scott Neu was charged with eight felonies and nine misdemeanors, including assault by an officer and criminal threats. Deputy Eugene Jones, 45, was charged with two felony counts of assault by an officer and three related misdemeanor counts.
Deputy Clifford Chiba faces three misdemeanor counts of cruel and unusual punishment of an inmate and failing to report the alleged fights.
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Take THAT: 2 California sheriff's deputies charged with organizing inmate fight club

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