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 KKK leader: Request for poLICE security denied before rally

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KKK leader: Request for poLICE security denied before rally Vide
PostSubject: KKK leader: Request for poLICE security denied before rally   KKK leader: Request for poLICE security denied before rally Icon_minitimeMon Feb 29, 2016 8:52 pm

LOS ANGELES –  A Ku Klux Klan leader who was injured when his small group of demonstrators brawled with counter-protesters in a Southern California park this weekend said Monday that he called police beforehand asking for security and was told, "We don't do that."

Will Quigg said in an interview with The Associated Press that he contacted the Anaheim Police Department but that the agency denied his requests for a police presence. The KKK then told officers that the group would hire an outside security company.

"They said, 'No, you can't do that either,'" Quigg said.

The Police Department is facing scrutiny for its response after three people were stabbed and several others were injured in the melee Saturday involving several dozen people and spanning a city block. Investigators determined that Klan members acted in self-defense after the counter-protesters attacked.

The department notified the public that the KKK planned to hold a protest at a park about 3 miles from Disneyland, but at least one witness said he saw no uniformed officers when the attack began.
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KKK leader: Request for poLICE security denied before rally

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