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 Argentine Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was Murdered - Everybody: CHEER!

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Argentine Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was Murdered - Everybody: CHEER! Vide
PostSubject: Argentine Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was Murdered - Everybody: CHEER!   Argentine Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was Murdered - Everybody: CHEER! Icon_minitimeMon Feb 29, 2016 4:29 pm

An Argentine judiciary official investigating last year’s death of Alberto Nisman, a special prosecutor who died after accusing then-President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of covering up Iran’s involvement in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center, concluded that Nisman was murdered, the Buenos Aires Herald reported on Friday.

Argentine Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was Murdered - Everybody: CHEER! FeaturedImage_2016-02-28_090658_YouTube_Alberto_Nisman

“Considering the evidence collected so far, Alberto Nisman was a victim of homicide,” said Ricardo Sáenz, the attorney general for Argentina’s Criminal Appeals Court.
Nisman, who was found with a bullet wound to his head on January 18, 2015, died “four days after filing a criminal complaint against the then President [Fernández de Kirchner] and other top officials, including former Foreign minister Héctor Timerman,” noted Sáenz. “It was also a day before Nisman was scheduled to present his case before a Congressional committee.”
Sáenz also drew attention to Nisman’s former colleague, Diego Lagomarsino, an information technology expert who had lent Nisman the gun that killed him. According to Sáenz, evidence shows that Nisman was shot in the back of the head, which would be difficult for someone committing suicide.
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Argentine Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was Murdered - Everybody: CHEER!

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