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 Progress: Kansas State Supreme Court Just Ruled Mandatory DUI Tests are Unconstitutional

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Progress: Kansas State Supreme Court Just Ruled Mandatory DUI Tests are Unconstitutional Vide
PostSubject: Progress: Kansas State Supreme Court Just Ruled Mandatory DUI Tests are Unconstitutional   Progress: Kansas State Supreme Court Just Ruled Mandatory DUI Tests are Unconstitutional Icon_minitimeSun Feb 28, 2016 5:33 pm

On Friday, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled the state’s DUI testing refusal law unconstitutional, setting a remarkable precedent concerning forced testing of those suspected of driving under the influence.

Progress: Kansas State Supreme Court Just Ruled Mandatory DUI Tests are Unconstitutional Dui-test-unconstitutional

In a 6-1 ruling, the court decided the state’s law, which had made it a crime to refuse breathalyzer or blood alcohol tests without a court-ordered warrant, is excessive punishment. Those tests, the court found, amounted to searches, and the Kansas law “punishes people for exercising their constitutional right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures,” reported the Kansas City Star.

“In essence, the state’s reasons are not good enough, and its law not precise enough, to encroach on the fundamental liberty interest in avoiding an unreasonable search,” wrote Justice Marla Luckert for the majority, according to KCTV.

According to Kansas law, the act of operating a motor vehicle gives implied consent for breath, blood, or urine testing to prove one’s sobriety, but the Supreme Court ruled the state’s Constitution allows for the withdrawal of consent without punishment for doing so.

Previously, refusing a sobriety test qualified as a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine of no less than $1,250.

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