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 Eritrea Slave Pen won't shorten national service despite migration fears

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Eritrea Slave Pen won't shorten national service despite migration fears Vide
PostSubject: Eritrea Slave Pen won't shorten national service despite migration fears   Eritrea Slave Pen won't shorten national service despite migration fears Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2016 6:18 am

Eritrea is not prepared to stop forcing its youth into lengthy stretches of work as soldiers and civil servants, a conscription policy that is driving waves of refugees to make the perilous trip across the Sahara desert and Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

Eritrea Slave Pen won't shorten national service despite migration fears ?m=02&d=20160225&t=2&i=1120150115&w=&fh=&fw=&ll=644&pl=429&sq=&r=LYNXNPEC1O09X

European nations say that the poor Horn of Africa nation is moving only slowly and cautiously to stabilize the economy to stem the tide of migrants which is aggravating the refugee crisis that is gripping the European Union.

The Asmara government insists conscription is vital for national security saying that it fears attack by its far bigger neighbor Ethiopia with which it fought a bloody and expensive war that ended in June 2000.

On paper, citizens between the ages of 18 and 40 must complete 18 months of service to the state but diplomats and those who have fled say this can stretch to a decade or more. The government reserves the right to extend length of service in periods of emergency.
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Eritrea Slave Pen won't shorten national service despite migration fears

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