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 The lowdown on Liechtenstein

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RR Phantom

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The lowdown on Liechtenstein Vide
PostSubject: The lowdown on Liechtenstein   The lowdown on Liechtenstein Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2008 5:16 pm

The taxman's show of interest has taken a small group of wealthy Australians from one gamble to another, writes Elisabeth Sexton.

Putting your money into a Liechtenstein entity called a "foundation" can be risky, and not just if the Australian Taxation Office starts sniffing around.

A Liechtenstein foundation is difficult to describe, says Gordon Cooper, a tax consultant and visiting professor at the University of NSW.

It's not a company and it's not a trust.

An Australian using one would be issued no shares, would have no control and would not be named as a beneficiary, says Cooper. The shots would be called by the lawyer or accountant who sets up the foundation and whose name appears on its formal documents.

That's where the risk comes in.

"If the adviser in Liechtenstein decides to pocket the money themselves, there is nothing you can do about it," says Cooper.

It's a gamble that a small group of wealthy Australians consider is worth taking.

The Tax Office is auditing 20 Australians with money in Liechtenstein foundations. It estimates that the audits could identify a combined $100 million in tax.

But in a July report the Tax Office made a disquieting admission: "The ATO has encountered difficulties in applying Australian taxation laws to non-common law entities, such as Liechtenstein foundations."

Could it be that clever tax advisers have found a loophole?

Certainly the only one of the 20 who has been publicly identified, the billionaire Sydney businessman Frank Lowy, said in July that neither he nor any member of his family had done anything improper.

He said he had relied on professional advice that he and his family had met all tax obligations connected with his use of "Liechtenstein structures".

Since July 17, discussion in Canberra about the abuse of tax havens has been conspicuous by its absence. That was the day when politicians in the United States released a sensational report about tax avoidance and evasion abetted by banks in Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

The report's naming of eight case studies, including Lowy, ensured plenty of publicity.

This week Australia's politicians get their chance to air the issues raised in Washington. On Friday the Tax Commissioner, Michael D'Ascenzo, is due to attend his bi-annual public hearing with the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit.

At his last appearance, on April 30, D'Ascenzo was asked about the same bonanza that fuelled the US investigation: the sale to tax authorities of 1400 client files by a former employee of the LGT Bank in Liechtenstein.

At the time D'Ascenzo had already revealed the Tax Office had received the LGT material and was conducting 20 audits.

But the wealth of detail disclosed by the US committee, including photocopies of documents from LGT's file on Lowy, stayed under wraps.

Thanks to their counterparts in Washington, whose report did not disclose exactly how they obtained the data on the 1400 LGT clients, the Australian politicians now have plenty to work with.

What's more, they have the benefit of the Tax Office's July report on Liechtenstein, which was produced for the US committee and published on July 21.

The Australian committee members, drawn from all parties , will be acutely aware of Lowy's good reputation and high standing in the Australian business, sporting and foreign affairs communities, courtesy of his chairmanship of the shopping centre empire Westfield Group, of the Football Federation of Australia and of the Lowy Institute for International Policy.

Lowy, whose honours include an AC in 2000, an AO in 1988, and an AM in 1980, is also a longstanding and generous donor to both sides of politics.

Last year Westfield gave $335,000 to the Labor Party and $246,000 to the Coalition.

The Tax Office's July submission said its main concern in pursuing the use of tax havens generally was concealment.

"Tax havens which operate on the basis of privacy or secrecy laws provide the opportunity for trust and asset management institutions, such as LGT, to establish tailored, confidential structures for taxpayers looking to take advantage of these laws to conceal their income from their tax administrations," it says.

The LGT documents give the Tax Office a precious opportunity to investigate such arrangements.

But will they be enough to retrieve the promised $100 million?

In its submission the Tax Office highlighted the difficulty of grappling with a Liechtenstein foundation.

"These hybrid entities possess characteristics of both a common law trust and a corporation and they may not fall squarely within the anti-deferral of tax provisions," it said. "Until legislative or judicial clarification is provided on this issue, the ATO will continue to characterise these hybrid entities on a case by case basis."

Gordon Cooper declines to comment on the Lowy case, but says the beneficiary of a Liechtenstein foundation could legally pay no tax on its earnings in Australia. Because the Australian taxpayer doesn't own or control the foundation, "someone completing their tax return can honestly answer the question 'do you have an interest in a foreign entity?'," Cooper says. "You can answer the question truthfully that you don't."

The Sydney tax lawyer Robert Richards says a taxpayer would be unwise to depend on an Australian court agreeing that income earned by a Liechtenstein foundation cannot be attacked, citing a recent trend by Australian courts to apply a so-called "purposive" approach. This looks more at the purpose of the tax law, rather than whether an arrangement has managed to slip between the cracks, he says.

Richards says the Tax Office should also consider whether existing law is strong enough to deal with how the money gets into and out of those foundations.

He says the armoury includes the broad anti-avoidance provisions under Part IVA of the Tax Act, and specific rules to stop international avoidance such as transfer pricing, controlled foreign companies and foreign transferor trust provisions.

"The submission is saying 'we don't know how to attack these hybrids'," says Richards.

"One of the things which I don't see the commissioner concentrating on is how did the money get there in the first place? And then the money has to go back to Australia one day to be used."

In Lowy's case, the LGT documents contain little about where the money came from or where it went. They contain vague notes about the funds in his foundation originating from a complex transaction involving shares in publicly listed companies.

They indicate that in 1997 he transferred $US54 million from a previous LGT foundation, which was then dissolved. By 2001 the assets in Lowy's foundation had risen to $US68 million. The LGT document trail ends with details of this sum being transferred to a Swiss bank account in 2001.

Lowy said the funds "were distributed for charitable purposes in Israel".

Lowy, who declined to comment to the Herald, said in July he was co-operating fully with a Tax Office audit.

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