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 OZschwitz poLICE officer charged with assault - YaY!

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz poLICE officer charged with assault - YaY! Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz poLICE officer charged with assault - YaY!   OZschwitz poLICE officer charged with assault - YaY! Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2016 10:35 pm

A Queensland police officer has been charged with common assault and deprivation of liberty after an eight-month investigation.

OZschwitz poLICE officer charged with assault - YaY! 1452831427631

The 45-year-old senior constable from the southern region was stood down in May following allegations he used excessive force during a traffic stop.

He was subject to an internal investigation and was also accused of failing to treat a member of the public with respect and dignity.

On Friday afternoon, police announced the officer had been suspended and would face the Brisbane Magistrates Court on February 16.
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OZschwitz poLICE officer charged with assault - YaY!

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