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 The good: US Intelligence director’s personal e-mail and phone breached

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The good: US Intelligence director’s personal e-mail and phone breached Vide
PostSubject: The good: US Intelligence director’s personal e-mail and phone breached   The good: US Intelligence director’s personal e-mail and phone breached Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2016 7:13 pm

The same entity that claims to be behind a recent hack of CIA Director John Brennan's personal email now claims to be behind a breach of the accounts of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence confirmed to Motherboard that Clapper had been targeted, and that the case has been forwarded to law enforcement.

The good: US Intelligence director’s personal e-mail and phone breached 1452619591884590
The good: US Intelligence director’s personal e-mail and phone breached 1452619578730446
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The good: US Intelligence director’s personal e-mail and phone breached

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