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 Karma: Homeless vet dies months after attack outside gas station

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Karma: Homeless vet dies months after attack outside gas station Vide
PostSubject: Karma: Homeless vet dies months after attack outside gas station   Karma: Homeless vet dies months after attack outside gas station Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2015 2:24 am

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A homeless veteran has died months after he was brutally beaten by a group of people outside a Philadelphia gas station.

Fifty-one-year-old Robert Barnes died on Wednesday at a hospital.

The attack in April outside a Sunoco gas station in the city’s Olney section left Barnes in a coma.

On the day of the attack, police say Barnes and a teenager were at the gas station pumping gas for spare change. Later on, police say the teen accused Barnes of hitting him, prompting the attack.

Surveillance video shows a group of people pummeling Barnes with a piece of wood, a hammer and Mace.

Three adults and three teens have been charged. Prosecutors have said that the charges against them could be upgraded if Barnes died.
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Karma: Homeless vet dies months after attack outside gas station

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