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 Great! End of paper disc sees UK car tax evasion soar

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Great! End of paper disc sees UK car tax evasion soar   Vide
PostSubject: Great! End of paper disc sees UK car tax evasion soar    Great! End of paper disc sees UK car tax evasion soar   Icon_minitimeThu Nov 26, 2015 10:18 pm

Car tax evasion has more than doubled in the wake of the controversial decision last year to scrap the traditional paper tax disc, official figures revealed yesterday.

Great! End of paper disc sees UK car tax evasion soar   22389ACC00000578-0-image-a-101_1448588525483

The number of drivers dodging the annual payment has soared from 210,000 in 2013 – when the paper disc was still in place - to 560,000 now, according to Department for Transport statistics.

This year, 1.4 per cent of vehicles are unlicensed compared to 0.6 per cent in 2013 – the highest level for eight years.

Before the changes came into effect in October last year, motoring groups had voiced fears about axing the tax disc shown in the window for an electronic system.

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Great! End of paper disc sees UK car tax evasion soar

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