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 Neat: Black Leaders in Chicago Push for Investigation of Police Department

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Neat: Black Leaders in Chicago Push for Investigation of Police Department Vide
PostSubject: Neat: Black Leaders in Chicago Push for Investigation of Police Department   Neat: Black Leaders in Chicago Push for Investigation of Police Department Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2015 10:36 pm

CHICAGO — A day after city officials released graphic video of a white police officer shooting a black teenager 16 times, some of the city’s most prominent black leaders called on Wednesday for investigations into the Chicago Police Department and its handling of the shooting. They expressed anger and dismay toward the department’s leadership, and some demanded the resignation of the police superintendent.
The calls from the leaders — civic, political and religious — came despite the filing of murder charges against the officer, Jason Van Dyke, in the death of the teenager, Laquan McDonald. The calls took different forms and came during separate announcements, but all voiced frustration and demanded sweeping changes in the department, which many black residents had viewed with suspicion well before the release on Tuesday of the video showing the 2014 shooting of Mr. McDonald.

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