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 Suck it up, statists: 'Prince' William fears 'Duchess' Catherine and his children are in danger

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Suck it up, statists: 'Prince' William fears 'Duchess' Catherine and his children are in danger Vide
PostSubject: Suck it up, statists: 'Prince' William fears 'Duchess' Catherine and his children are in danger   Suck it up, statists: 'Prince' William fears 'Duchess' Catherine and his children are in danger Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2015 1:35 am

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have stoically shown their support for France following the horrifying Paris terrorist attacks, paying their respects to the victims and their families at the French Embassy in London.

Suck it up, statists: 'Prince' William fears 'Duchess' Catherine and his children are in danger Prince_landscape_1b55aov-1b55apg

But behind closed doors, Prince William is becoming increasingly concerned that Catherine and his beloved children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, are in danger – with the Paris tragedy yet another stark reminder that the royal family are prime targets for an ISIS terrorist plot.
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Suck it up, statists: 'Prince' William fears 'Duchess' Catherine and his children are in danger

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