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 Delightful: Bangladesh hangs opposition chiefs for war crimes

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Delightful: Bangladesh hangs opposition chiefs for war crimes Vide
PostSubject: Delightful: Bangladesh hangs opposition chiefs for war crimes   Delightful: Bangladesh hangs opposition chiefs for war crimes Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2015 2:47 am

Bangladesh hanged two top opposition leaders Sunday for war crimes committed during the independence conflict with Pakistan and boosted security across the country over fears the executions could spark fresh unrest.

Delightful: Bangladesh hangs opposition chiefs for war crimes Part-PAR-Par8336617-1-1-0

Thousands of extra police and border guards were deployed in Dhaka and other major cities and towns on the eve of a general strike called to protest against the executions.

Supporters of the ruling Awami League meanwhile greeted the executions of Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid and Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury by holding street parties, distributing sweets to children.

Bangladesh has been roiled by violence for much of the last three years since a domestic tribunal began delivering its verdicts on opposition figures accused of orchestrating massacres during the 1971 war.
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Delightful: Bangladesh hangs opposition chiefs for war crimes

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