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 Paul Ryan: ‘I do not’ advocate rounding up and deporting illegal immigrants

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Paul Ryan: ‘I do not’ advocate rounding up and deporting illegal immigrants Vide
PostSubject: Paul Ryan: ‘I do not’ advocate rounding up and deporting illegal immigrants   Paul Ryan: ‘I do not’ advocate rounding up and deporting illegal immigrants Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2015 11:45 pm

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Sunday he does not envision the nation’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants being rounded up and deported by the federal government and said he does not support the idea.

Paul Ryan: ‘I do not’ advocate rounding up and deporting illegal immigrants 3328f76c88e44a32870f6a706700890e_c0-316-4464-2918_s561x327

During an appearance on “60 Minutes” on CBS, Mr. Ryan was asked about GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s calls on the campaign trail for mass deportations — in particular whether he sees that as something that will happen on his watch as House speaker.

“I can’t imagine how it could happen — so no,” Mr. Ryan said.
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Paul Ryan: ‘I do not’ advocate rounding up and deporting illegal immigrants

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