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 Ridiculous: OZschwitz man jailed for ACCIDENTALLY killing brother with faulty, illegal shotgun

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Ridiculous: OZschwitz man jailed for ACCIDENTALLY killing brother with faulty, illegal shotgun Vide
PostSubject: Ridiculous: OZschwitz man jailed for ACCIDENTALLY killing brother with faulty, illegal shotgun   Ridiculous: OZschwitz man jailed for ACCIDENTALLY killing brother with faulty, illegal shotgun Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2015 11:46 pm

"Adolescent recklessness" is to blame for two brothers playing with a loaded illegal firearm, leaving one of them dead and the other in prison, a New Zealand judge said.

Ridiculous: OZschwitz man jailed for ACCIDENTALLY killing brother with faulty, illegal shotgun 1443140240474

Alex Gideon, 21, will have to live the rest of his life knowing he killed his older brother, the High Court in Palmerston North heard on Friday.

At every court appearance he has had a reminder of the consequences of his actions, with the urn containing his brother's ashes held either by him or a supporter.

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Ridiculous: OZschwitz man jailed for ACCIDENTALLY killing brother with faulty, illegal shotgun

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