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 Excellent: Arkansas governor cuts state contracts with Planned Parenthood Butchers

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Excellent: Arkansas governor cuts state contracts with Planned Parenthood Butchers Vide
PostSubject: Excellent: Arkansas governor cuts state contracts with Planned Parenthood Butchers   Excellent: Arkansas governor cuts state contracts with Planned Parenthood Butchers Icon_minitimeSun Aug 16, 2015 2:04 am

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson on Friday canceled the state's contracts with Planned Parenthood, making his the third Southern state to do so since anti-abortion activists released a series of videos that they say suggests the organization sells fetal tissue.

Excellent: Arkansas governor cuts state contracts with Planned Parenthood Butchers Pn7SIU
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Excellent: Arkansas governor cuts state contracts with Planned Parenthood Butchers

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