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 Total Basket-Case: India's economic reform agenda hits roadblocks

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Total Basket-Case: India's economic reform agenda hits roadblocks Vide
PostSubject: Total Basket-Case: India's economic reform agenda hits roadblocks   Total Basket-Case: India's economic reform agenda hits roadblocks Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2015 3:21 am

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious reform agenda has stalled with crucial bills stuck in India's parliament, which ended its latest session this week in bitter uproar.

Total Basket-Case: India's economic reform agenda hits roadblocks D2e136bbf62e04f01473fc6bf9f1f4a0ea6e700d_original

After sweeping to power 15 months ago in a landslide election victory, Modi's right-wing government promised a string of business-friendly reforms to attract foreign investment and revive the economy.

But the opposition has blocked flagship tax and land reforms with rowdy protests in parliament, while a much-touted plan to overhaul archaic labour laws has yet to be unveiled.

A year after Modi's first Independence Day speech, hailed as a political tour de force, analysts say he risks failing to deliver on his promises.

They will be closely watching his second on Saturday for signs that his right-wing government is still committed to pushing through reforms.
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Total Basket-Case: India's economic reform agenda hits roadblocks

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