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 Excellent: OZschwitz Shell pumped $20 billion a year from motorists but paid no company tax

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Excellent: OZschwitz Shell pumped $20 billion a year from motorists but paid no company tax Vide
PostSubject: Excellent: OZschwitz Shell pumped $20 billion a year from motorists but paid no company tax   Excellent: OZschwitz Shell pumped $20 billion a year from motorists but paid no company tax Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2015 9:17 pm

For the third year on the trot, Shell service stations generated billions of dollars and revenue but not a cent in company tax. In fact the owners of the sunny yellow servos reported tax benefits in all three years despite total sales which may be in excess of $60 billion.

Excellent: OZschwitz Shell pumped $20 billion a year from motorists but paid no company tax 1439122144112

This is an incredible situation for a nationwide network of services stations as well as a large refinery which makes up the "downstream" division of the global oil brand.

Shell last year sold its downstream business in Australia including its Geelong refinery, a portfolio of 870 petrol stations and other assets to Dutch oil group Vitol.

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Excellent: OZschwitz Shell pumped $20 billion a year from motorists but paid no company tax

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