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 Burn: Vietnam vet stole from his employers

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Burn: Vietnam vet stole from his employers Vide
PostSubject: Burn: Vietnam vet stole from his employers   Burn: Vietnam vet stole from his employers Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2015 6:02 am

A Vietnam veteran who stole a “staggering” $875,513 from two family-run businesses after he fell victim to a gold investment scam was yesterday jailed for five years.

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Barry Thomas Ives, 70, had been working as a bookkeeper at Maddington Tavern and Carlton on Hay for a number of years when he started stealing to repay his debts.

Ives set up internet banking on behalf of one of the business owners without his permission, transferred money into an offshore bank account he had set up and altered the amount and names on signed cheques over about three years.

On a number of occasions, the former real estate agent altered cheques meant for the Australian Taxation Office by turning the letters ATO into the words Barry Ives.
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Burn: Vietnam vet stole from his employers

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