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 What statist friends are for: US 'friendly fire' kills up to 10 Afghan soldiers

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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What statist friends are for: US 'friendly fire' kills up to 10 Afghan soldiers  Vide
PostSubject: What statist friends are for: US 'friendly fire' kills up to 10 Afghan soldiers    What statist friends are for: US 'friendly fire' kills up to 10 Afghan soldiers  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2015 1:38 am

A US airstrike killed up to 10 Afghan soldiers at an army checkpoint in a Taliban-infested province south of Kabul, one of the deadliest episodes of "friendly fire" from foreign forces in recent years.
U.S. medevac helicopter is seen parked in side of a hanger at the U.S. Bagram air field north of Kabul,

What statist friends are for: US 'friendly fire' kills up to 10 Afghan soldiers  Heli

The early morning raid in the Baraki Barak district of Logar province comes as coalition forces increase air strikes on potential militant targets despite a drawdown of NATO forces after 13 years of war.

The bombing marked the second such incident in the area since last December when a NATO air strike killed five civilians and wounded six others.
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What statist friends are for: US 'friendly fire' kills up to 10 Afghan soldiers

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