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 LOL, let the purge begin: Greek PM Tsipras sacks leftist party rebels in reshuffle

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LOL, let the purge begin: Greek PM Tsipras sacks leftist party rebels in reshuffle Vide
PostSubject: LOL, let the purge begin: Greek PM Tsipras sacks leftist party rebels in reshuffle   LOL, let the purge begin: Greek PM Tsipras sacks leftist party rebels in reshuffle Icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2015 2:49 am

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sacked left-wing Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis and two deputy ministers on Friday as he reshuffled his cabinet following a party revolt against a tough new bailout deal adopted this week.

The 40 year-old prime minister moved to clear out the rebels after 39 Syriza hardline lawmakers refused to back the government over the measures, which were demanded by European partners as a pre-condition for beginning talks over a new bailout.

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LOL, let the purge begin: Greek PM Tsipras sacks leftist party rebels in reshuffle

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