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 Instant Justice! Off-duty cop shoots armed robber at pharmacy

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Instant Justice! Off-duty cop shoots armed robber at pharmacy Vide
PostSubject: Instant Justice! Off-duty cop shoots armed robber at pharmacy   Instant Justice! Off-duty cop shoots armed robber at pharmacy Icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2015 10:05 pm

Two armed robbers picked the wrong pharmacy to knock off in São Paulo. According to a video uploaded to Liveleaks, the man in a leather jacket is a warrant officer in the São Paulo Metropolitan Police. From start of the robbery to the time the second robber beat feet, this off-duty police officer was a smooth operator every step of the way!

He demonstrated proper technique, reaction – the whole nine yards. And after the first armed robber met his fate, he even made sure to secure the thug’s weapon. It was a good day for the good guys in São Paulo and definitely a godsend for the people in that store.
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Instant Justice! Off-duty cop shoots armed robber at pharmacy

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