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 Good: Facebook's NZ trifling tax take

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Good: Facebook's NZ trifling tax take Vide
PostSubject: Good: Facebook's NZ trifling tax take   Good: Facebook's NZ trifling tax take Icon_minitimeFri Jul 10, 2015 12:18 am

Facebook paid just $43,000 of tax in New Zealand last year, according to financial statements filed with the Companies Office.

Good: Facebook's NZ trifling tax take 1436501735181

The social media behemoth reported its New Zealand income rose 41 per cent to $1.2 million for the 2014 calendar year.

However, substantial expenses meant the company was able to claim a loss.

It paid $43,261 of tax, or about the same amount as a mid-range doctor or lawyer would.

Last year the Labour party threatened to shut Facebook down if it did not pay its fair share, but later softened its stance.

The global company has revenues of US$12 billion (NZ$17.8b) and a market capitalisation of US$240b.

Facebook has about 2.5 million users in New Zealand.

The figures appear to suggest each Kiwi only generates about 50 cents of revenue a year, far below the global average of US$7.24 per user.
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Good: Facebook's NZ trifling tax take

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