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 Evil statists: Malaysia upholds death sentences for Mexican brothers, two others

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Evil statists: Malaysia upholds death sentences for Mexican brothers, two others  Vide
PostSubject: Evil statists: Malaysia upholds death sentences for Mexican brothers, two others    Evil statists: Malaysia upholds death sentences for Mexican brothers, two others  Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2015 11:18 pm

Malaysia's highest court on Thursday upheld guilty verdicts and death sentences for three Mexican brothers, a Singaporean and a Malaysian convicted of manufacturing drugs.

Evil statists: Malaysia upholds death sentences for Mexican brothers, two others  388b4bbd60b3c17cfccd2bd975ed3cfe53d2f193-1ajh35u

The Gonzalez Villarreal brothers -- Luis Alfonso, 47, Simon, 40, and Jose Regino, 37 -- were arrested in March 2008 in an industrial building in southern Malaysia where police found 30 kilograms (66 pounds) of methamphetamine and equipment for making drugs.

The brothers insist they were working as cleaners and were unaware drugs were being made.

Drug trafficking convictions in Malaysia carry a mandatory sentence of death by hanging.
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Evil statists: Malaysia upholds death sentences for Mexican brothers, two others

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