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 Here are all the countries that recognise Palestinian statehood

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Here are all the countries that recognise Palestinian statehood Vide
PostSubject: Here are all the countries that recognise Palestinian statehood   Here are all the countries that recognise Palestinian statehood Icon_minitimeTue Oct 14, 2014 2:03 am

Ed Miliband has instructed Labour MPs to back a vote in parliament that would call on the government to “unilaterally recognise” Palestine as a state.
Although such a vote would only be a symbolic backing for statehood, Mr Miliband’s call comes less than a fortnight after Sweden’s newly-elected government stated its intention to officially recognise the territories - the first major EU state to do so.
Many countries in the EU - along with the likes of the United States, Japan and Australia - do not recognise Palestine, but here is a map of all the countries that do:

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Here are all the countries that recognise Palestinian statehood

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