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 Slimy Holder’s Misinformation Campaign

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Slimy Holder’s Misinformation Campaign Vide
PostSubject: Slimy Holder’s Misinformation Campaign   Slimy Holder’s Misinformation Campaign Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2014 9:57 pm

A Supreme Court decision last week that lets Ohio reduce its early-voting period to 28 days from 35 drew a sharp rebuke Monday from U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder , who sees racial animus at work.
In a video posted on the Justice Department’s website, Mr. Holder explains that the Ohio voting restrictions “significantly reduce opportunities for early voting--opportunities that had in the past been heavily used by African-American voters.” Ohio, he said, illustrates how some states are enacting “troubling new measures that unnecessarily limit the ability of particular Americans to participate in the democratic process.”

This has been a common theme of Mr. Holder’s in recent years as he’s travelled the country denouncing voter ID laws and other Republican-led efforts to increase ballot integrity. Mr. Holder does not tell these audiences that the black voter turnout rate exceeded white voter turnout in 2012 in states that don’t allow any early voting (such as Virginia) as well as in states with some of the toughest voter ID laws on the books (such as Georgia and Indiana).
Nor does General Holder discuss the government studies showing that voter apathy plays a much larger role than any voting restrictions in determining turnout at the polls. In 2008 more than half (51.6%) of unregistered voters said they were “not interested or refused” to register, according to a Census Bureau report. About two-thirds (67.7%) of those who were registered but didn’t vote said they were “not interested” or “did not like” the candidates (26.4%), “too busy” (17.6%), or “ill or disabled” (14.9%). Just 6% cited “registration problems.”
Mr. Holder is pretending that the black franchise is in jeopardy because Democratic control of the Senate is jeopardy. He’s trying to scare black voters to the polls because the administration is worried about minority turnout next month. That the top law-enforcement official in a nation with our racial history thinks nothing of playing up racial divisions for partisan gain is one reason so many Americans will not miss Eric Holder when he leaves office.
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