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 How The Koch Brothers 'Propaganda' Scares Slate Silly

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How The Koch Brothers 'Propaganda' Scares Slate Silly Vide
PostSubject: How The Koch Brothers 'Propaganda' Scares Slate Silly   How The Koch Brothers 'Propaganda' Scares Slate Silly Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 12:56 am

Slate is managing to get itself very worked up about the manner in which the Koch brothers are funding economic education programs for high schools. Apparently this is an injection of libertarian ideas into the high school curriculum and this is very bad. My own prejudice would lead me to a belief that more libertarian propaganda anywhere and everywhere would be a good idea and high school sounds a good enough place to start. The US was, after all, built by the libertarians of their day so I take it to be a good idea that people coming through the compulsory education system should be exposed to these sorts of ideas.

However, the truth is that this “propaganda” is actually pretty milquetoast. In fact I’d only describe it as “libertarian” if you’re looking at it from some rather far left stance: which is a good argument for having this stuff in schools of course, to balance what might be in the curriculum.

The complaint is here and it seems to be a reprint or perhaps a contribution from the Center for Public Integrity. The problem with the complaint being that the policies that are getting the CPI’s panties in a twist aren’t actually libertarian or even free market very much. They’re just mainstream economics for the large part: no, not in their entirety but for the large part. And yes, it probably would be good public policy if high school kids were taught the mainstream economics ideas about public policy.

Here’s what I mean, here’s the three policies that the “propaganda” is pushing and that so upset the CPI:

   For example, teachers using Edvantage can find economics videos explaining how the Environmental Protection Agency is bad for the environment, how sweatshops are good for third-world workers, and how the minimum wage costs workers jobs. Content featuring opposing viewpoints, however, is sparse.

I’ll admit that that first, that the EPA is bad for the environment, is arguable. The actual argument being made is as follows:

   Dirty laws? That’s the confusing part of EPA regulations. While intended to do good, they often end up doing quite the opposite. When a corporation dumps its toxic waste a few miles upstream from your tomato farm – sure, you can go to the EPA, but odds are the offending party has filed all the right permits that allow them to do their dirtiest and you’re screwed. Join PERC senior fellow Roger Meiners in this Learn Liberty video as he shows why the common law may be the best remedy – without bureaucratic trash to stink things up.

Well, free market zealot though I am I’m not sure I’d entirely go along with that analysis. Ronald Coase explored this area thoroughly (and gained his Nobel in part for having done so) and his answer was, yes, sometimes the common law is the best solution. But equally often it isn’t and regulation is necessary. There’s a much more subtle critique of the EPA which is that it’s just not very good at what it’s supposed to be doing but that’s probably not for high school, perhaps better to wait for sophmore year in college (the argument goes that the EPA proposes very expensive regulations thus reducing the amount that can then be devoted to other environmental problems. Not so much that regulations about benzene are a bad idea but that there are more important, more urgent things, that can be done at lower cost and should thus deserve our resources first).

However, the other two are not libertarian in the slightest. It would be very difficult to even describe them as right of centre let alone way out there on the fringe.

Sweatshops being good for third world workers for example: I do hope no one’s going to start accusing Paul Krugman of being a libertarian over this matter? For here is Krugman, actually writing in Slate itself, arguing that sweatshops are just great for third world workers:

   The benefits of export-led economic growth to the mass of people in the newly industrializing economies are not a matter of conjecture. A country like Indonesia is still so poor that progress can be measured in terms of how much the average person gets to eat; since 1970, per capita intake has risen from less than 2,100 to more than 2,800 calories a day. A shocking one-third of young children are still malnourished–but in 1975, the fraction was more than half. Similar improvements can be seen throughout the Pacific Rim, and even in places like Bangladesh. These improvements have not taken place because well-meaning people in the West have done anything to help–foreign aid, never large, has lately shrunk to virtually nothing. Nor is it the result of the benign policies of national governments, which are as callous and corrupt as ever. It is the indirect and unintended result of the actions of soulless multinationals and rapacious local entrepreneurs, whose only concern was to take advantage of the profit opportunities offered by cheap labor. It is not an edifying spectacle; but no matter how base the motives of those involved, the result has been to move hundreds of millions of people from abject poverty to something still awful but nonetheless significantly better.

The think tank that I am at, the Adam Smith Institute in London, used to distribute wrist bands printed with “I buy products made by poor people in poor countries” for exactly this reason. And yes, we got them made in a sweatshop. Because it makes the lives of those in those sweatshops, as well as the lives of those around them, better. Better like no other economic force on this planet has ever managed.

As to the third idea, that minimum wages cost workers jobs, let’s see how many economists agree with this idea:

A minimum wage increases unemployment among young and unskilled workers. (79%)

That number there is the percentage of economists polled who agreed with the statement. And when more than three quarters, nearly four fifths, of a profession agree that minimum wages cost workers jobs then whatever else that idea is it’s not some invention of libertarian kooks (nor even Kochs) is it? It’s, well, it’s the mainstream and considered view of those educated in the subject under discussion: not a hallmark of any kind of extremism.

We can go on through the list of complaints:

   But teachers who use Edvantage won’t find much ideological balance while researching content on the website’s economics pages. The educational materials selected by Edvantage for economics lessons are overwhelmingly anti-government and pro–free market. For example, a page of videos and articles on economic regulations includes videos that lament occupational licensing laws, explain how regulations are burdening food truck owners, and argue that free markets regulate product safety better than the government. Content found on pages about fiscal policy, entrepreneurship, and price controls is similarly dominated by libertarian perspectives critical of government regulation.

Perhaps we might leave that as an exercise for the reader although I’ll just give you this one on price controls:

   A ceiling on rents reduces the quantity and quality of housing available. (93%)

More than 90% of economists agree that price controls on rents are, at very best, not a very good idea.

Perhaps the Kochs are funding propaganda in high schools. But I have to say that it all seems pretty mild to me. When you’re pushing public policies that the overwhelming majority of economists agree with it’s pretty odd to find oneself being described as pushing extremism. And if you’re agreeing with Paul Krugman on a substantial matter then you’ve most certainly not fallen off the edge into libertarian mania or anything.

To be honest I think this complaint tells us more about what the Center for Public Integrity thinks is mainstream economics and or public policy than anything else. Their view appearing to be that the mainstream is right wing or libertarian extremism: the conclusion therefore being that the CPI perhaps dresses to the left.
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